Monday, August 31, 2009

Free Writing for Class

So I have this psychology paper I have to write so I think I'll use my blog to do some free writing to get some ideas to use in my paper. My topic is capital punishment and I already have my two side to the argument. Do onto others as they do onto you. An eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth. Two wrongs don't make a right. There are two vastly different sides to the argument of whether capital punishment is ethical. Some believe that the prisoner is getting what he deserves for the wrong that he has done. On the other hand is well the prisoner obviously and his family, along with those who think rehabilitation works. Say a prisoner had killed or rapped someone. The family of the victim would be seeking justice to avenge their death. The family would be seeking closure and piece of mind knowing that the killer isn't out there to hurt again. Also, the family would be trapped in a type of terror and fear that something like this could occur in their family again. However what does putting the prisoner to death actually accomplish. If anything you would be putting the prisoner out of their misery. Why not allow the prisoner to rot in jail and have plenty of time to think about the people he's caused pain and the faces of his victims. Here's my problem: which argument is correct? Or are they both correct?


It's as if the rooster has just crowed and I've beat the sun out that morning. Standing on that lake shore, it feels as if it were it was the first day of fall; however we're in the midst of August. I can smell what I want, just not necessarily in the manner in which that smell was generated. Drawing back that rod, I feel the like it's gonna be a good day. I let the line go with a hiss and admire as the personified rubber its the water. Then comes the most eventful part. As I reel in the line, slowly awaiting an unfortunate jaw to lock down, I catch myself daydreaming of the biggest monster in the lake. The line is getting shorter, and just as it's about to breach the surface, I see nothing. The disappointment is overwhelming yet I throw the line back and repeat the agonizing process just to be find disappointment time and time again. However, I know that one of those casts will yield something great, something spectacular; and when it does I'll be ready. I'll be ready for the fight. Better yet I'll be ready for the battle. Then the time comes, when those powerful jaws clamp down on the line. Standing on the shore, I feel the line tug and all I can think about is reel. This quiet endeavor has now become a grueling tug-a-war match between man and nature. Finally when the match is over and he's in your hand, you know you're gonna be eating good tonight.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What i would do different

If I was in charge of my high school there would be a whole lot of things done different. Well for starters the whole wouldn't have shut down. I think that's a good place to start seeing how my class was the last graduating class of Taylor Road Academy. I believe the main reason for my school shutting down was that there were simply too many kids on sport scholarships. I believe my last year of high school there had been a total of about a hundred and fifty or more sport scholarships granted to kids who weren't even that good a sports. Keep in mind that this is a severely high number since the high school only consisted of about three hundred or less students. So that would be the first thing I'd change. I wouldn't issue sport scholarships. To be honest the only thing those scholarships did was hurt the school because the only sport holding two state championships was the soccer team which consisted of kids who'd been going to Taylor Road half there lives. One such kid is myself. The next thing I would do would be to get rid of the uniforms. I understand that uniforms create a sense of order and are meant to keep kids from competing about who has better clothes; however, uniforms also kill a students individuality. If everyone is forced to look the same, kids are limited from ways to express themselves. Besides in a way it teaches kids that everyone is an equal in the world which is not even the case. So those are probably the two main things I would change about my school. I think by doing these two things it would still be standing today. No uniforms would increase the number of students wanting to attend and no sports scholarships would increase profit.

I Remember

I remember when I was a kid that my brother, my dad, and myself went to six flags. It was pretty fun. I didn't go on any other the outrageous rides well simply because I was like ten. I wasn't really into being flipped upside down on something called the ninja. By the way why is a ride with around eight flips in a row called the ninja? I haven't seen too many ninja movies but the ones I have aren't filled with flipping as far as I can remember. So that seems a little odd to me. But the thing that sticks out the most about my trip to six flags is that we all went to the Looney Tunes gift shop and my dad told us that we could pick out one thing each. We were thinking to ourselves, "Sweet!" So at this point in time my brother, who is three years older than me by the way, goes and finds the biggest stuffed animal he could find. The stuff animal was a giant Scooby Doo. By giant I mean larger that and actual dog would even be. This particular Scooby Doo was taller than he was at that time. However, not anymore since he grew to be six foot three inches but that's beside the point. So there he is sitting there, three years older than me, with this larger than life Scooby Doo. So I'm thinking to myself, "Alright I'm gonna get me a huge stuff animal too." However that was not the case at all. I ended up getting a little two foot taller Scooby Doo. My dad told me my brother's was just too expensive so I'd get me something better the next. I thought that was pretty unfair especially since i was the younger child. But oh well that Scooby Doo made a good door stop for about ten years and my brother ended up selling his in a yard sale.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I appriciate the story behind art

Going into art appreciation, I thought it was going to be a pretty boring class. However Professor Bice keeps the class entertaining. Each piece of art she shows us has some type of story behind its creation. Most of the time with really old art, there is some type of scandal to go along with it. One example would be the artwork of Michelangelo. Almost ever piece Michelangelo has ever worked on has a scandal behind it. When painting a mural in the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo refused to cover up the nudity in the artwork after the Pope requested. Instead the Pope hired another artist to come in and paint drapery over the nude characters. It wasn't until recently that work has been done to remove the drapery from the painting. I happen to love art myself. I enjoy drawing and painting and every other type of art. These stories intrigue me. I hope to be able to have a scandal behind a piece of my artwork one day. I'd have to say the closest thing to a scandal I've had is painting a mural in my high school gym late at night. Instead of painting the whole time however it was mostly me and my friends playing basketball during frequent breaks. But thats not really scandalous. Its more of being lazy. But that mural did mean alot to me since it was for my athletic director who had passed away.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Worst Movie I've Seen This Summer

"Inglorious Bastards" has got to be the worst movie I've seen this summer. In its previews, the producers have made this movie out to be more of a comedy than it really is. The openin scene of this movie is so long and drawn out that you begin to question whether or not you've wasted your money. Don't get me wrong, Brad Pitt brought a certain comedic relief to the movie. However, Brad Pitt alone can't provide enough comedy to cancell out the boredom you experience within the three hour long movie. Also get ready to feel like your back in Spanish or French class watching a movie because move than half of the movie is conveyed through subtitles. Unless you know how to speak German, French, and English, you'll spend the better half of the movie reading. On the other hand, the movie does focus on the little details. This is why its so long. So, if you're one of those people who enjoy watching the history channel, you might enjoy this movie. Unfortunately I'm not able to tell you if it has a good ending or not because honestly I didn't stick around for it. I would recommend waiting for this movie to come out on dvd before wasting 9.25.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Favorite Movie

My favorite movie would have to be A Knight's Tale starring Heith Ledger. The first time i saw this movie, I was with my brother. We about died from laughter. Afterward we had to go out and buy this movie and I swear we watched it at least three times that week. I'd have to give this movie two thumbs up. Not only is the movie hilarious but it also has a lot of action and there's even a romance in the movie for the women.
The movie is about a servant named William who grew up poor and worked for a knight. Fortunately for William, his master dies and he is presented with the opportunity to take his place in a tournament. From that day on, William is determined to change his stars and become a knight himself. After finally convincing his two wacky friends its a good idea, he trains to become a knight.
On their way to the first tournament, they come across a rather unfortunate individual who has a gambling problem and seems to have lost all his clothes. William takes him in and comes to find out that the poor fellow is a writer and can counterfeit royal papers, proving that William is indeed royalty. Together, William and his three stooges travel abroad attending various tournaments. It is at these tournaments that William meets his fair lady, Jasoline, or as he first calls her his "sexy fox". It is then that the story becomes a romantic comedy and a battle between two men to see who can win the girl.
William's contender for Jasoline's affection is another knight who dresses in all black. I believe the black represents some type of evil, and William is the white knight who is suppose to save the day and when the girl. William does indeed win the girl and defeats the black knight.
By far one of the best movies ever. And now that Heith Ledger has died I'm sure it'll become a classic.