Monday, August 31, 2009


It's as if the rooster has just crowed and I've beat the sun out that morning. Standing on that lake shore, it feels as if it were it was the first day of fall; however we're in the midst of August. I can smell what I want, just not necessarily in the manner in which that smell was generated. Drawing back that rod, I feel the like it's gonna be a good day. I let the line go with a hiss and admire as the personified rubber its the water. Then comes the most eventful part. As I reel in the line, slowly awaiting an unfortunate jaw to lock down, I catch myself daydreaming of the biggest monster in the lake. The line is getting shorter, and just as it's about to breach the surface, I see nothing. The disappointment is overwhelming yet I throw the line back and repeat the agonizing process just to be find disappointment time and time again. However, I know that one of those casts will yield something great, something spectacular; and when it does I'll be ready. I'll be ready for the fight. Better yet I'll be ready for the battle. Then the time comes, when those powerful jaws clamp down on the line. Standing on the shore, I feel the line tug and all I can think about is reel. This quiet endeavor has now become a grueling tug-a-war match between man and nature. Finally when the match is over and he's in your hand, you know you're gonna be eating good tonight.

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