Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Remember

I remember when I was a kid that my brother, my dad, and myself went to six flags. It was pretty fun. I didn't go on any other the outrageous rides well simply because I was like ten. I wasn't really into being flipped upside down on something called the ninja. By the way why is a ride with around eight flips in a row called the ninja? I haven't seen too many ninja movies but the ones I have aren't filled with flipping as far as I can remember. So that seems a little odd to me. But the thing that sticks out the most about my trip to six flags is that we all went to the Looney Tunes gift shop and my dad told us that we could pick out one thing each. We were thinking to ourselves, "Sweet!" So at this point in time my brother, who is three years older than me by the way, goes and finds the biggest stuffed animal he could find. The stuff animal was a giant Scooby Doo. By giant I mean larger that and actual dog would even be. This particular Scooby Doo was taller than he was at that time. However, not anymore since he grew to be six foot three inches but that's beside the point. So there he is sitting there, three years older than me, with this larger than life Scooby Doo. So I'm thinking to myself, "Alright I'm gonna get me a huge stuff animal too." However that was not the case at all. I ended up getting a little two foot taller Scooby Doo. My dad told me my brother's was just too expensive so I'd get me something better the next. I thought that was pretty unfair especially since i was the younger child. But oh well that Scooby Doo made a good door stop for about ten years and my brother ended up selling his in a yard sale.

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