Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I appriciate the story behind art

Going into art appreciation, I thought it was going to be a pretty boring class. However Professor Bice keeps the class entertaining. Each piece of art she shows us has some type of story behind its creation. Most of the time with really old art, there is some type of scandal to go along with it. One example would be the artwork of Michelangelo. Almost ever piece Michelangelo has ever worked on has a scandal behind it. When painting a mural in the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo refused to cover up the nudity in the artwork after the Pope requested. Instead the Pope hired another artist to come in and paint drapery over the nude characters. It wasn't until recently that work has been done to remove the drapery from the painting. I happen to love art myself. I enjoy drawing and painting and every other type of art. These stories intrigue me. I hope to be able to have a scandal behind a piece of my artwork one day. I'd have to say the closest thing to a scandal I've had is painting a mural in my high school gym late at night. Instead of painting the whole time however it was mostly me and my friends playing basketball during frequent breaks. But thats not really scandalous. Its more of being lazy. But that mural did mean alot to me since it was for my athletic director who had passed away.

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