Wednesday, October 28, 2009

10 Years From Now

Well if the Mayans are right, like some people believe, I'll more than likely be dead and in Heaven, hopefully. However, in the case that they were wrong, which I believe they are, I'll be happily married with no kids yet and working as an architectural engineer renovating all the old buildings that Alabama and other states have to offer. Okay the reason I said no kids is because I want to enjoy my marriage for a while before I let kids take on the fun out of it. Don't get me wrong I want kids, I just don't want them to ruin my marriage by driving me and my wife insane in the middle of the night right away. I see myself living in a homely house, you know not too big but big enough to be impressive, that I designed, with my wife's input of course. I'd have to let her have some input, because I'm sure she would be looking over my shoulder the entire time nagging like most women do. Yes, that was a sexist generalization but oh well. My soccer coach once told me that all women are crazy and you just have to find the one with the level of crazy that you can withstand. I agree with this statement to some degree. I plan to own my own architectural firm or at be a partner with someone by the time I'm 28. The reason I say 28 is because I would like to retire by the time I am forty, so I can have the rest of my life to explore the world with my wife and do everything me and her want to do before one of us dies. I would also like to have designed and built a magnificent structure like the house known as Falling Water that was built on a waterfall. Not by a waterfall, but on a waterfall. I'd like to be known. Hopefully because I'm famous and not infamous. I would like to have a dog, because my dogs got taken away from me and I never had another one. I think he would be called Ace. I like the name Ace for a dog. Its kind of scary and intimidating but at the same time its nice.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Paranormal Activity

This was a pretty good movie. For a low budget film, like the original Saw, this movie did outstandingly well. Contrary to popular belief this film is not the actual documentary done by the couple the movie is based on. And based on is a very lose term. "Based on" could mean anything from they used one actual scene from the original documentary and the rest was improvised. However, the people who play the parts of Katie and Micah are actually named Katie and Micah and they are very much so alive today. If you are watching this movie thinking that it's the actually documentary then good luck sleeping that night. The movie is not really all that scary. It was just done where things pop out at you and is more freaky then actually scary. There were alternate endings made to this movie to keep it from becoming the type of situation where people just tell others what happens. I like it when people do this because it doesn't allow for other people to ruin the movie for me.


Halloween is meant for everybody in my opinion. I don't think there should be a cut off age for trick or treating. Maybe if you're an adult and going trick or treating you could be given a beer out of a 24 pack or something. If Halloween was meant for just kids, then they wouldn't make adult costumes. But yeah it is true that only kids up to the age of like twelve should be allowed to go trick or treating. I remember when I was younger that if you were thirteen and still went trick or treating, you were a loser. You would be made fun of. But I honestly believe that Halloween was intended for older people. If you observe all the costumes today, you'll see that most of them are of killers made famous in horror films. Such murders would be Jason and Freddy. Little kids should not even be watching films like this. My girlfriend's dad allowed her to watch the original A Nightmare on Elm St. when she was just a young girl and now she is deathly scared of knives and Freddy Kruger. Its not that she doesn't know it's not real now, but that she was impressionable at that age and it has stuck with her. If you think about it kids play "Halloween" all the time. Kids imagine they're are someone else and role play everyday, therefore Halloween is just another day to them. Adults and teenagers on the other hand are not able to do this, but there are days when we wish we were someone else like an ax murderer so we could do away with our nagging boss. It's not that we are ax murderers, it's just an imagination thing and a way of dealing with stress. Therefore, Halloween was meant to be targeting adults and not kids in my opinion.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Growing up without a father, my greatest influences was my older brother. Whenever I have a problem, I go to my brother for advice. Even though he is only three years older than me, he still has gone through the stuff I would be going through now and then some. I'm able to talk to my brother about stuff I would never talk to my mom about. My mother would only look at it from a concerned parent's point of view and not remember how it is to be a kid. My brother, however, was still a kid and he could understand where I'm coming from. Also my brother has never really passed any kind of judgment on me about anything. Yeah my brother has done some things he ain't proud of, but oh well everyone has. My brother being so close to me in age allows me to learn from his mistakes and not repeat them. On the other hand, this is not such a good thing. Because my mom expects me to learn from my brother's mistakes, I usually get a worse punishment. I think this is unfair. That's the same thing as watching a movie on not smoking cigarettes because it's bad and then me getting a severe punishment for trying it after viewing the movie. My brother has influenced a lot of things in my life. For example, I would of never picked up a pencil and started drawing if it was not for my brother. Also, I would have never played sports and eventually won a state championship in soccer my senior year. My brother's work ethic has also been instilled in me. We are both two of the top workers at our job. Managers love us and I have my brother to thank for that.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Brave Moment

I don't really know of a brave moment that I have ever had, or at least I can't remember any of them. I know I rode the Graviton at the fair when I was like six but I would call that brave even though I have every second of that ride. The ride is designed to make you experience 3G forces as it spins you round and round in a circle. You become pressed against the wall and when you're six you can't exactly move. All I can remember is feeling extremely sick afterward and saying to myself I'm never doing that again. But I don't consider that bravery. A lot of things individuals do when they are kids are a result of being innocent and not understand the risk of situations. A little child might walk up to a snake and try to pet it, but that's not bravery. The child simply does not know what the snake is capable of doing. And if the snake where to bite the child, the child would never approach a snake again. This new found fear of snakes would have resulted from a fear of getting bit again. The child has now learned the consequences of messing with a snake.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Car

My car is actually a truck. It is a 2001 Chevy Tahoe. Its color is called pewter but no one ever knows what that is so i just tell them its a mix between gold and silver. It has the Lt package, which is the most luxurious out of the packages other than the Z71 package. It is all leather and power everything. I love the fact that it has a sunroof because it's just one more window I can open up. Its not a 4x4 like I wanted but it is a 350 v8 so it still has a lot of power. I can either fit a lot of people in it or a lot of stuff, whichever I choose. After I got it it needed new tires so I put Toyo A/T tires on it and when the truck is actually clean and the tires are shined it looks really nice. I did however back into an old girlfriend's truck a while back so there is a little ding in the back bumper. But it was dark, there were no lights where we were at so she shouldn't have parked so close behind me. Not to mention the fact that she drives a tiny little s10 that I could hardly see out the back window. There are only two things that bother me about this truck. The first thing being that it's a pain to clean because it is so big and you have to climb all of the sides just to clean the top. The next thing being that the fuel sensor in the fuel pump is messed up so the fuel light comes on a lot. But I know how miles I can go on a tank of gas, so I go by that. I would have liked the truck to have been black but oh well. The color that it is is going to look good with black accents like the black brush guard I want to on it and probably so other things as well. I did buy the truck myself. I saved up money and sold my old truck, which I paid for as well. My old truck was a Ford Ranger so the Tahoe fairly different size wise. I love my truck. A buddy of mine once said "There are things of man you don't mess with. His hat, his truck, and his girl. In that order."

Monday, October 12, 2009

Questions about architecture

1) How much money do you make a year?
2)What is the best part apart your job?
3) Do you ever have to be on call for anything on your off days?
4) What is a typical work week for you: 5 days, 40 hours?
5) Is there any art involved in the field?
6) I don't enjoy writing. How much do you write in a day?
7) Is the writing mostly in the form of formal letters, or are there a lot of reports that have to be typed?
8)Where did you graduate from?
9) What was it about architecture attracted you to it?
10) Do architects do a lot of drawing?
11) What is the main type of math you use on a daily basis: geometry, calculus?
12) What are some of the more major jobs you have worked on?
13) Is the field constantly changing?
14) Does new technology come out each year to help you do your job?
15) If you could summarize your job into one word, what would it be?