Monday, October 19, 2009

Brave Moment

I don't really know of a brave moment that I have ever had, or at least I can't remember any of them. I know I rode the Graviton at the fair when I was like six but I would call that brave even though I have every second of that ride. The ride is designed to make you experience 3G forces as it spins you round and round in a circle. You become pressed against the wall and when you're six you can't exactly move. All I can remember is feeling extremely sick afterward and saying to myself I'm never doing that again. But I don't consider that bravery. A lot of things individuals do when they are kids are a result of being innocent and not understand the risk of situations. A little child might walk up to a snake and try to pet it, but that's not bravery. The child simply does not know what the snake is capable of doing. And if the snake where to bite the child, the child would never approach a snake again. This new found fear of snakes would have resulted from a fear of getting bit again. The child has now learned the consequences of messing with a snake.

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