Monday, November 30, 2009


Arguing can be good or bad depending on who you are arguing with. Say you're arguing with your girlfriend or boyfriend, this would be bad because they is a chance of a breakup if things escalate to much. Another situation it could be bad would be arguing with an authority figure such as a police officer. He has the power to arrest you, therefore making him made probably would not be a good idea. On the other had if someone was about to go to trial they might want to hire a good arguer. A lawyer basically has a degree in arguing. He gets paid to win arguments. Their arguments are a bit more intellectual than however than the whole he took my pencil, no i didn't kind of thing. I'm not sure what type of arguments to expect in 1020. Whether they are going to be arguments in which you have to defend all opinions and/or facts or if you pick a side, draw the line, and start bashing on all other opinions. Choosing one side is a little bit harder because that limits the number of sources that you may be able to find. Also your paper has the possibility to become a rant that just goes on and on without any real perspective. On the other hand is the whole presenting all sides of the argument and allowing the reader to choose which side they agree with.

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