Wednesday, November 18, 2009


My Thanksgiving routine used to be rather well routine but after recent developments in my family, we are adapting to new family traditions. We would have usually had Thanksgiving at my Papa's house but unfortunately we can no longer do that. Therefore i imagine Thanksgiving will be at my house this year. The only people there will probably be my brother, my mother, and my Papa. But that's perfectly fine with me because that means more food for us. We used to have pork tenderloin that my Papa cooked on the grill, a Honey Baked Ham, turkey, green beans, some type of casserole of course, sweet potatoes, and then a countless number of different desserts. This year I am not exactly sure what to expect for lunch/dinner on the day but I do know that we will be eating that meal for the next week because of leftovers and because my ma probably won't cook for a whole week after that day. But I imagine we'll have either turkey or ham or maybe both. By the way I hope my friend Coop saves me some of his dad's deep fried turkey. That stuff is like crack on a plate. No really he makes the best turkey I've ever had. We'll probably end up watching the Macy's Thanksgiving parade even though it is boring as hell. No really parade's are only fun when you are there and they are throwing stuff to you. Other than that what is the point of watching them. If I wanted to see Snoopy trying to take out some tall building I'd watch the cartoon. I'm sure there is an episode similar. And honestly I think that they use mostly the same floats every year. Really how long has Snoopy been in that parade.

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