Monday, November 9, 2009

How to....

How to skin a rabbit.
No I'm not some sick individual who likes to hurt small animals. I learned this past weekend how to skin a rabbit because my brother and manager went hunting at like five in the morning one night after they got off work. However, instead of skinning it right then and there, they put it in a the beer cooler, not freezer, but cooler. This right here is not how to start off cleaning/skinning a rabbit, and I'll tell you why. So after the rabbit had sat in the "cooler" for almost eighteen hours, they decided they were going to let me skin it because nobody else wanted to. By the way, they had named the rabbit Bugs to add to the rather creepiness of the situation. So to start off, do not leave anything dead in a cooler for any long period of time. Allow me to provide some insight to why. Dead animals of all kinds develop rigor mortis. Rigor is when the animal or whatever stiffens up. I'm sure you have heard this term on like CSI or something, if not you should watch more TV. When rigor mortis occurs the meat is no longer any good. It will be hard and chewy rather than tender. Anyways to skin the rabbit: make an incision around the neck and simply pull the fur back in a similar fashion as a banana, make another incision around the stomach area and remove insides. That's pretty much it. Except when you leave a rabbit sitting out for eighteen hours and don't listen to someone who's trying to tell you the meat is bad, you simply throw the rabbit in the fire to prevent it from lying around uneaten to stink up the property.

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