Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I use to think...

I use to think when i was little that my floor was actually water. You see we had blue carpet and in my imagination that meant it was water. So whenever i would lay down to go to sleep at night i never wanted to have my feet hanging off the bed. Allow my to elaborate on that because i know it sounds a little weird. I think when i was younger i watch a lot of pirate movies and that combined with watching goosebumps on TV, in my mind i believed if my feet hung off the bed that a pirate would sail up and cut them off and I of course did not want to lose my feet. I mean would you want a pirate to cut off your feet? I think it was a rational fear because in my existing schemata at the time blue represent water and my carpet was blue. Pirates were mean individuals who carried swords so they could cut stuff. That is how this fear manifested itself. Also when I was little my brother and I use to pretend that the carpet was like a shark infested ocean and if you walked on it you would get eaten. That's understandable right? We use to watch shark week every year so we liked sharks, but we also new they could kill us: fun times. So the idea of the game was that you could not touch the blue carpet. Therefore you had to jump from the couch to chair or on the pillows or the table. (Parents love this game) But I think if you did get in the water you had like the count of three or something like that. My brother and I invented a lot of different games and that was just one of them.

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