Monday, November 16, 2009

Who would you save

Who or what would you save? I agree with some points that 2012 makes. There is only limited space and supplies on the ship and only a select number of people can go. In a similar way to Noah and his ark. Noah only took his family and not try to save the entire world. And the whole thing about spending a billion dollars to get on the ship and then the government trying to say that these people were specifically selected because of their gene pool. Why did people even have to spend money to get on the ship? The world is coming to an end!!! Money is no longer required. What would the money be based on? So the question remains who do you save: people, animals or art? Lets start with art. Art can be well documented and all the files can be saved on like a flashdrive no bigger than your thumb. So that throws two ton statues off the ship. Going on to animals. Only save the animals used for your food chain. Like we eat pig, cow, chicken, and fish. Save only those animals and what they eat. I mean do we really eat say a mongoose? That saves a ton of space. Finally people. I say you let natural selection decide or you actually go with the smartest and strongest gene pools to wipe out disease and abnormalities. This would be the correct way to go about things.

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