Sunday, September 20, 2009

8 good reason to sleep in

1) You have swine flu. If you have swine flu u shouldn't go anywhere so might as well stay in bed. You shouldn't run the risk of infecting someone else. That's why swine flu is becoming a pandemic, because people aren't staying in bed.
2) Morning is the worst time to start the day. When people wake up they are cranky. They're cranky because they want to be back in bed asleep. We can kill two birds with one stone here. Go back to sleep then you won't be cranky and by the time you wake up everyone will have had their coffee and it'll be a beautiful day.
3) Breakfast foods aren't that good. If you ask someone what their favorite meal is, they aren't going to say breakfast. They are going to say lunch or dinner. If you think about it, breakfast for dinner even tastes better than breakfast for breakfast. Look at hotpockets. The ones for lunch are so much better than breakfast. Would you rather have a pizza one or a sausage and cheese?
4) When the sun first comes up it is in just the right position where your sun visor in your car can't block it. Wait a couple more hours for the sun to get directly above. It would cut down on accidents in the morning because people could see better.
5) Too many senior citizens are awake at this time. Senior citizens are grumpy individuals. They think cause they are old that they can get away with anything. If you'd wait til 12 to wake up, they'd be taking their naps.
6) Nothing good is on TV besides the news, and that comes on at noon too. When you wake up, you don't want the first thing you see to be a talk show: you want cartoons. When do cartoons come on? Later in the day, that's when.
7) Miss rush hour. No one likes being stuck in a.m. traffic. Sleep in an extra hour or two and you'll miss that traffic completely.
8) It is colder in the morning. It is always colder in the morning than the rest of the day. This could cause you to put on the wrong clothes and have you messed up for the rest of the day. It could be sixty in the morning and then go up to ninety by the end of the day.

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