Monday, September 21, 2009


By far my most incredible vacation was to Destin, Florida. Me and a few of my friends stayed in the most luxurious condo i have ever seen. My friend's boss is a spinal surgeon and he owned a half million dollar condo on the beach in San Destin. He let me and my friends stay there for free. The only thing we had to pay for was food. I love San Destin. It is so clean and people are pretty nice there. On the way there, we passed over the longest bridge i have ever been on. It was the Midbay Bridge and it leads into San Destin. When we got to the condo, i spent almost all of my time standing on the balcony because we were on like the 15th floor and you could see virtually everything. The ocean looked magnificent from up there. It didn't look all nasty and dirty from up there like it does when you are standing on the beach. The sand was as white as can be also. It wasn't that disgusting brown color you get when you go to Gulf Shores. If i could retire somewhere it would be there. The people there are pretty cool as well, or at the tourists that come there are. My friends and I met four girls on the beach one night while we were just out walking around and they were pretty cool. They were as nice as they could have possibly been. If we had tried to talk to some random girls in Montgomery they probably would have freaked out. When that week in San Destin was over, I didn't want to leave. But oh well.

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