Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Why a teacher would change careers

It takes a unique individual to become a teacher. A teacher must be strong willed, first of all. Teachers have to put up with so much stuff, not just from their boss, but from their students as well. Kids are the cruelest individuals on the planet Earth. Kids show no mercy. If you are fat, they're going to call you fat. If you look funny, you can count on them letting you know. Teachers have to put up with this on a daily basis. Yeah you could say that parents do the same thing all the time; however, say a teacher teaches 25 students a day for eight hours. That would equal out to 200 hours a day at eight hours per kid. Then when they leave work, chances are they have to go home to their own kids. All the spitballs, fart jokes, and rude comments are enough to make the average person quit. I know when I was in grade school, we were horrible to our teachers. We'd go to class with the fart machines you can buy at Spencer's and hide them somewhere in the classroom. The someone would have the remote and just keep pressing the button throughout the class period. We made numerous teachers cry and want to quit. As a matter of fact we made some teachers quit, honestly. I would not want to put up with a teenager like I was. Not only do they put up with a lot of crap, teachers don't make that much money. So they get tortured on a daily basis for horrible pay. Some people might consider that to be the definition of insanity.

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