Monday, September 28, 2009


I have two most memorable experiences from Halloween: chasing kids with a chainsaw and making a kid cry, but not on purpose. Each year at my school, we would put on a haunted house for our Fall Festival. In my junior and senior year, my class put on the haunted house. Both years I got to chase kids around with a chainsaw. In my junior year, we did a Saw kind of theme, in which a friend of mine laid tied up to a table and I would hide behind a curtain. After the kids would enter the room, my friend, Ian, would start talking to the kids trying to make them leave. Then I would pop out with the chainsaw roaring and act like I was chopping Ian up. Ian was a pretty good actor. He made it seem pretty realistic. However, don't get the wrong idea. I didn't chase around kids with a dangerous chainsaw; the chain had been taken off. The next year we did the haunted house in the gym and were able to have a lot more space. Unfortunately, we didn't really have a theme that year. It was more of just popping out at kids and trying to make them cry, which was fun without a doubt.
My next memory comes from when I was little and still went Trick or Treating. I was about ten years old and I got a costume that had one of the bleeding masks on it. Well maybe the bleeding part wasn't such a good idea. I walked up to a door to get some candy and a small child saw me. He couldn't have been more than four years old. He started balling. I bent over, with the mask still on, to try and comfort him and to tell him it wasn't real, but maybe I should have taken the mask off. I finally took the mask off and showed him I was just like him. He stopped crying and ran along with his mom. I'm sure he was fine afterward. It's a little funny looking back at it now.

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