Sunday, September 20, 2009

Please don't squeeze the.....

Please don't squeeze the ranch. When I was in the ninth grade, a rather funny situation occured involving a bottle of Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing. It was lunch time and my fellow classmates and myself were eating in Ms. D's room. First allow me to give you some background information on Ms. D. She is a rather clean individual who can't stand a mess. You could say she is OCD. She won't even leave her food uncovered when she walks across the room. Anyways, we were having pizza for lunch that day and some people like ranch on their pizza for some odd reason. I understand why people like ranch on their pizza. Ranch is not ketchup; it does not go with everything. Anyway, so we had a bottle of ranch in the classroom. We'll everyone was passing it around and putting a little on their pizza. Finally the bottle gets to Louis. Louis goes to shake the bottle up to get it to come out better and as he starts to squeeze and shake the bottle, ranch flies everywhere. All you see is a stream of dressing shot across the room. There was ranch on the wall, on the white board, on the desks, on the floor, and anywhere else you could think of. Oh by the way Ms. D was out of the classroom at this point. She walks back in to find ranch everywhere and she lost it. She went off on Louis. She shut the door and gave Louis "a very up close and personal" talking to. Lets just say he didn't leave a drop of ranch anywhere in the classroom. That is why is say pleas don't squeeze the ranch. And make sure the top in on something good before you go and shake it up. If not things will only end badly for you and those around you.

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