Wednesday, September 16, 2009


A friend of mine named MK came over to my house one time along with some other people. She wanted to see all the artwork my brother and I had in our rooms so i took her back to show her. She loved our rooms. She said it was like a museum of art because my brother also had sculptures everywhere. But that's beside the point. She noticed a piece of paper hanging on my wall that was my to do list. She read it and wanted to add something. She wrote on it "Smile Joel". I said to her why do I need to smile; it's not that important. She added to it "it is important Joel" with one of those smilie faces that girls like to draw. She is the type of girl with a "bubbly attitude" if you know what I mean. She's the type of person that is always positive and can find the good in anything. There's nothing wrong with that. You should always think on the bright side. Don't be that pestamistic person who always sees the glass half empty instead of half full. I know that's a cheesy saying but there is some truth in it. If you go through life looking at everything as a bad thing then your life is going to suck, figuratively speaking of course. You have to have expectations in your life, so might as well make them positive ones. However, there is a down side to this. By always having positive expectations, you set yourself up to be disappointed in life. But that is just a part of life. Disappointment comes along with experiences. Smiling is in important I suppose. If you don't smile, you go through your life pissed off all the time. So I guess she's right. I still have that piece of paper on my wall, even though anytime a new girlfriend of mine sees it they ask who she is. But oh well. That piece of paper serves as a reminder. It is a reminder to live your life not just going through the motions, but having fun. I encourage people, better yet challenge people to find the good in all situations and go throughout life with a smile on your face because that is something no one can take away from you.

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