Wednesday, September 9, 2009

School Experience

I remember my brother and our friend Jared blowing up a VCR in the middle of the classroom. Okay so the story starts out with it being after school and we are all in after school care. I'm in like the third grade and my brother is in the sixth. My brother and I have always taken things apart just to see what they look like on the inside. I don't know what made us do it exactly but we were curious. One time we even dragged a pinball machine into a tree, then took it apart. And afterward we pushed it out of the tree. Good bang. But anyway, we were all sitting in the third grade classroom and my brother and Jared are taking apart this VCR. They took all the parts out and crushed some of them. But I guess they were still curious so they tried to reassemble the thing. Then they had another bright idea. The decided "Hey lets plug it back up and see what it looks like when it is working." Oh yeah let me tell you, that was the best idea ever. Well that is if you like fireworks, it really was a "bright" idea. Of course as you would suspect the VCR caught on fire and left burn marks on the floor. However I do not remember how they put it out. That part is a little fuzzy. I imagine they took it outside. But the funny thing is that our teacher was a college student and she had no idea what to do.

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