Monday, September 14, 2009


It was my tenth grade year and I was playing varsity basketball at my school. I had been playing basketball since the seventh grade at Taylor Road Academy. Well that is except the year I had my knee surgery and that plays a roll in this story. In the eighth grade I had knee surgery on my right knee. Years of basketball and running hard had worn down the bone in my right knee to the point where a piece had broken off and was hanging on by a thread. When I went to the orthopedic surgeon, he told me I would need knee surgery and I would probably be on crutches for a couple of weeks. Well as my luck would have it, this did not happen. I was not on crutches for a couple of weeks or even a few weeks. I was on crutches, hopping around for three months. That's a long time to be on crutches. While on crutches I could not put any pressure on my right leg or else I'd run the chance of breaking that piece of bone off. So three months went by and I finally got to walk again. However, when I went to take that first step, it felt as though I had forgotten how to walk. I know that is hard to believe. How can someone forget how to walk? Well I had for the most part. I took that first step and almost fell over. It felt like someone had stabbed a thousand needles into my right foot.
My right leg had wasted away during that time and the doctor did not assign me to any physical therapy what so ever.
Finally I got most of the strength back in my right leg and played basketball the following year. The next year I went to play varsity and that is when the injury happened.
During practice we were running a scrimmage game. I was run not attention and ran right into a fellow teammate named Keldrick. Now Keldrick is a rather big man. He's about 5' 10" and 200 plus in weight. It was like hitting a brick wall and my knee buckled. I went straight to the ground in agony. My knee had popped out of place. Lying there on the floor, squirming in pain, I thought to myself well this ain't good. The coach walked over to me and examined my leg. He wasn't very helpful at this moment. His exact words were, "Ehh I can see it." I thought to myself thanks coach you're being real helpful right now.
I finally got up and limped my way over to the bleachers. A friend of mine's mom took me to get an x-ray of that knee and I was told I had torn all the ligaments on the left side of my knee that connected the kneecap to the rest of the leg. I thought oh great this is gonna be good.
So here we go again, another long period on crutches.

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