Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Color of Hunger

All emotions have a color associated with them. Red is the color of passion and anger. If you are angry, people say that you are seeing red. I guess red became associated with anger because people's faces turn red when they are angry. Green is the color of envy or the color of sickness. Green is the color of money, so an association between money and wants go hand in hand. Same thing goes for sickness. Whenever you are sick you look a little green or pale, therefore the color green has been associated with sickness. Yellow is the color of cowards. I'm not sure how this association came about. You have the term "yellow belly", but I'm not sure of its origins. Blue is the color of sadness. Not sure how blue came to be associated with sadness either, but I do know that a lot of songs use blue to describe sadness. However, there is not a color for hunger. Some might not consider hunger an emotion, but I do. When you are hungry, it is pretty much all you can think about, right? Hunger is also something you feel, therefore it is a feeling. But what is the color for hunger? It can't be in the green family because green is sickness, and when you are sick, you do not want to eat. It could, however, be in the blue family. When people are depressed, they tend to eat a lot. This situation is where the phrase "eating your feelings" came about. Girls eat ice cream and comfort foods after a bad breakup, supposedly. Don't blame me for that stereotype, blame Hollywood. Therefore, I think the color of hunger should be like a purple or violet color. With purple or violet, you get the cool feeling of the blues, it is not completely blue.

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