Thursday, September 3, 2009

Could I quit my job today?

If I were to quit my job today, I would have a whole lot more time to do what I want to do. However, the downside to this would be that I would not have any money to do what I want to do. I like having money as well. Without money I'd be force to lay around the house all day doing nothing. Honestly, thats not the type of person I am. My mom tells me I have to be on the road twenty-four seven and its true. I have to go places. I can not stand being at the house bored. If I were to quit my job, I wouldn't have the money to drive anywhere because I would not be able to afford the gas. I hate asking my parents for money. That's another reason i could not quit my job, because I like having a sense of independence about myself. Whenever my mom offers me money now, I always try to turn it down. Unfortunately though, she always insist and I end up with the money anyway. But here are the top ten things I could not do if I quit my job:
1) Take my girl friend out
2) Go fishing (no money for supplies...bait)
3) Go to friend's houses (need money for gas)
4) Go kayaking
5) Buy new clothes (I can't where the ones I have forever)
6)Go to the Rave
7) Buy food when I'm hungry and not at home
8) Buy new Cd's
9) Buy or rent movies
10) Take on any new hobbies

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