Sunday, December 13, 2009


Studying takes to long. They should invent something that allows things to be uploaded to the human brain in a similar way that software is uploaded to computers. That would be so amazing and wouldn't have to up to two in the morning tonight studying math. We as humans have been able to use lasers to correct vision but we can't invent a way to study. What is wrong with the world's priorities? Instead scientists are focused on perfecting the male enhancement drug and solving the problem of baldness. If you have not scene the movie Idiocracy, you should. One day something like that might actually happen and everyone on this Earth will revert back to cavemen in a sense.

Time of Swords and not Guns

I wish I had lived during the days of knights and crossbows and swords instead of today. Sure I love technology, but back then to win a battle was a true accomplishment based off of strength and wit. Today wars are fought using guns and machines. There is no challenge to this kind of warfare. A child can pull a trigger, but can a child fight with a sword or a dagger. Child soldiers in Africa are able to be soldiers because it is so incredibly easy to kill another individual in this day and age. Soldiers were glorified for their strength. Today as long as you can run a mile in a certain time length or do a certain number of push-ups you're in. Look at the Spartans. They were a true warrior race. They were a true test to strength and wit. The Olympics used to display this pride. But today the athletes in the Olympics are just athletes and nothing else. Everyone stood a chance to defend themselves back then, but today unless you pull the trigger first, you are going to lose the battle.


The actors of our generation are getting pretty old. Actors such as Jim Carry, Robin Williams, John Travolta, and Bruce Willis. There are so many more. These actors are the people I grew up watching and they will be extremely hard to replace. There can never be another Bruce Willis. I mean he's an amazing actor and it's incredible that he is still making action movies at his age. I just can't imagine there being another Die Hard without Bruce Willis. These things bother me. I have grown attached to these actors. They are the one's who entertained me first. I see why Grandpas and other old folks watch reruns of things like the Loan Ranger. It's because no one could ever be like that. Sure there will be the John Travolta of the next generation but it just won't be the same.

First Semester

First semester of college is almost over. It's been an interesting past couple of months. College is surprisingly easy. I met a lot of people. The Greek life around campus is pretty fun. There was always events going on. Did anyone else notice how it always seemed like they were cutting the grass at AUM? No matter what someone was doing landscaping at the school like everyday. I hated my math class. It was extremely easy. I mean boring easy. I think I left that class early nearly everyday and I still made A's on all of my tests. Psychology, I got to admit, I did not think I would actually like it. Surprisingly, it was pretty interesting. Learning how the mind works and what can go wrong is fascinating to me. Art appreciation was great too. I love art. My brother is an art major so I am always around it. The class was fairly easy for me too. I liked being able to learn about all the different major artworks that have been created over the past centuries.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Old Dogs

I recently saw Old Dogs with my girlfriend. It was a pretty good movie. Of course anything with Robin Williams or John Travolta in it is going to be amazing. However, when John Travolta did Wild Hogs, that was kind of sad. It was truly a low point in his career. Both of these actors have had outstanding careers. I remember watching Robin Williams when I was younger in Flubber for the first time and I thought it was hilarious. Robin Williams brings comedy to the table with him yet he can still do serious; this is what made him such a good pick for this role. Looking a John Travolta, he is also a great choice for this movie. He plays the sort of playboy that never grew up. Travolta has always played roles in which he is a playboy but this movies allows him to come to terms with the fact that he is getting old. The two made a good team. It was odd though. Travolta was actually the one providing the comic relief in this film. Robin Williams has always provided the comic relief in his films because well he's Robin Williams. He was a part of SNL. Of course he is suppose to be funny. The film is kind of a lash out a men saying they can't raise kids without a woman there to supervise them. I take offense to that. Men can raise kids just as good as women. Just because we aren't born with the natural instincts of a nurturing mother doesn't mean we can't still raise children. But in the end the guys figure it out and like all Disney movies there is a happily ever after ending.

Christmas Break

For Christmas Break I will be taking advantage of the increase in number of hours I can work. This means I will probably be working around seventy hours over the course of the break. This is good because I like money. For Christmas Eve I think I will probably be working too if the store is open. Thankfully we are closed for Christmas Day. On Christmas Day I will probably wake up around twelve, hopefully early because I get present that day. Maybe my brother will wake up before me for a change and he'll get me up and we can open present early this year. We use to have to wait for my Nana to get there until we could, but she moved up to Birmingham with my uncle. My mom will probably have the tv turned on WSFA when they do their whole playing of Christmas music. But I'm getting tired of listening to Christmas music already because they play it at the store I work at and its getting annoying. But after we open up our gifts, we will have lunch with my grandfather and eat turkey and ham and all that good stuff.

Side Effects

Whenever I watch tv, there's always some type of infomercial with some type of medication. This medication seems to be the solution to a huge problem that may be affecting your life. However, there is a twist. The medication causes sides effects worse than the medication is suppose to treat. Like the medication could prevent heartburn, and you say to yourself, "Okay I'm listening." Commercial finishes and you say, "Alright sounds good." Then it hits you.
In little fine print and a speedy announcer says this product may cause upset stomach, cotton mouth, itchy eyes, coughing, irritable bowel syndrome, and in severe cause stroke, heart attack, and possibly death. "Like wow I may die but at least I won't have heart burn when it happens. Oh boy!"