Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Sea

Have you ever been surrounded by water on all sides of you? Have you ever looked out and saw nothing expect where the sky touches the water. Have you ever felt truly alone in the world like no body else was around? If you ever want to get the feeling of total solitude, rent a boat and sail out to the middle of the sea. You'll know when you've reached where I'm talking about because the land will disappear from your eyes. It's like no one else is anywhere near you. Like your the only one left in the world. It's actually a scary feeling. I didn't like it the first I ever went deep sea fishing. You get the feeling that you are lost in the world. I mean water takes up most of the space on the planet and to be caught in the middle of it would truly devastate someone. I can see why Tom Hanks went insane in Cast Away. I understand why he created Wilson. Human beings need to interact with one another. I just wish Tom Hanks had opened that last package in that movie. What if it had been like a new satellite phone with built in GPS? He would of been out of there in no time and Wilson would of been okay.

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