Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ice On My Windshield

Alabama is too far south for the weather that we experience at night. It is not meant to get this cold in Montgomery. When I walk out to my car at midnight and it is cold enough that the water from dew has frozen to every part of my car I know that it is too cold in Alabama. The other night I walked outside to my car after I got off work and there was ice across my entire windshield. I didn't realize it when I had gotten in my car and I didn't want to get back out and try to wipe it off with something so I drove with the ice on it. And just for future reference a defroster doesn't do a thing when there is ice frozen on your windshield. I had to drive leaning over the steering wheel like an old grandma trying to peer out a tiny little spot where there was not any ice at all until I got down the road to the Chevron. Then I had to scrap off the ice using a squeegee. The ice was coming off in chunks. I was amazed and baffled because I didn't think that could happen in Alabama, but I suppose I was mistaken. Luckily I was able to get the ice off and be on my way again.

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