Sunday, December 13, 2009

Time of Swords and not Guns

I wish I had lived during the days of knights and crossbows and swords instead of today. Sure I love technology, but back then to win a battle was a true accomplishment based off of strength and wit. Today wars are fought using guns and machines. There is no challenge to this kind of warfare. A child can pull a trigger, but can a child fight with a sword or a dagger. Child soldiers in Africa are able to be soldiers because it is so incredibly easy to kill another individual in this day and age. Soldiers were glorified for their strength. Today as long as you can run a mile in a certain time length or do a certain number of push-ups you're in. Look at the Spartans. They were a true warrior race. They were a true test to strength and wit. The Olympics used to display this pride. But today the athletes in the Olympics are just athletes and nothing else. Everyone stood a chance to defend themselves back then, but today unless you pull the trigger first, you are going to lose the battle.

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