Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Break

For Christmas Break I will be taking advantage of the increase in number of hours I can work. This means I will probably be working around seventy hours over the course of the break. This is good because I like money. For Christmas Eve I think I will probably be working too if the store is open. Thankfully we are closed for Christmas Day. On Christmas Day I will probably wake up around twelve, hopefully early because I get present that day. Maybe my brother will wake up before me for a change and he'll get me up and we can open present early this year. We use to have to wait for my Nana to get there until we could, but she moved up to Birmingham with my uncle. My mom will probably have the tv turned on WSFA when they do their whole playing of Christmas music. But I'm getting tired of listening to Christmas music already because they play it at the store I work at and its getting annoying. But after we open up our gifts, we will have lunch with my grandfather and eat turkey and ham and all that good stuff.

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