Sunday, December 6, 2009

Let go my eggo

Eggo lovers in the south won't be able to enjoy the eggo to much longer. Do to a recent flood of the factory, which I believe is located in Atlanta, the plant has shut down production until March of 2010. I found this out by a customer who came into the grocery store i work at. That's kind of sad isn't it. I didn't find out before the customer, the customer found out before I did. I wonder what people are going to eat for breakfast now. I imagine that the eggo label is going to take a pretty big hit from being out of production for so long
The other things people are probably going to eat for breakfast:
1) Cereal
2) Pillsberry Toaster Struddles (this ought to be a good time of business for them)
3) Muffins
4) Grits
5) Pancakes (the old fashioned way or a different brand)
6) Eggs and bacon
8) Biscuits
9) Yogurt
10) A rise in Poptarts again
11) Cookies ( that's what I eat for breakfast sometimes)

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