Sunday, December 6, 2009

World's Strictest Parents

The World's Strictest Parents. Have any of ya'll ever seen this show. These parents aren't strict. The parents of the kids who go on the show are just idiots who don't know how to raise children. If you let your kids get away with everything then they aren't going to respect you. If you discipline your kids, it doesn't mean you don't love them. In fact it is the exact opposite. By disciplining your children, you are preparing them for there future. As a parent it is your job to ensure that they succeed in life and that they live their life to their fullest potential. If a parent didn't care, they wouldn't bother punishing a child and they would let them make their own path and walk down it. With that said, there are extremes and yes some of the parents on the show are a little bit strict but then again different people have different ways of doing things. But I think they should rename the show the way you should raise your kids if you don't do so already. But no one would watch that now would they. Kids should have chores and they should be punished when they don't do what they are suppose to. And if they don't do them, then punish them. In psychology, I learn about positive and negative reinforcement. I don't exactly remember which one is which but it basically says that in order for something to learn there must be good and bad consequences.

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