Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Skeet Shooting

People always have said boys like to blow things up and it's true, we do. Whether it's with a shotgun or fireworks or just fire in general. Boys like things that are loud and destructive. Skeet shooting is a great, fun, and most importantly LEGAL way to destroy stuff. Skeet shooting is when you take clay disks and throw them into the air and then shoot them with a 20 or 12 gauge shotgun. I shot skeet for the first time yesterday and it was a blast, literally. I didn't get to do it for long because I had class but I still had fun. There is one major downside to shooting skeet for a long time, shotguns kick back. If you aren't use to shooting a shotgun, expect your shoulder to be hurting the next day. Its really not that bad, just annoying. But if you aren't that good of a shot, be sure to buy a lot more shells than you buy skeet. Like we had two hundred and seventy skeet and we thought we had enough shells but when you have three people in a line all shooting at the same time, sometimes even twice, it's possible to waste like six shots on one skeet. Wasting six shots on one skeet is unreal. We just kind of got off to a slow start. Whats funny is to do a rabbit roll which is when you roll a skeet across the ground then try to shoot it. It was funny when it would roll literally two feet in front of someone and they still missed.

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