Sunday, December 13, 2009

First Semester

First semester of college is almost over. It's been an interesting past couple of months. College is surprisingly easy. I met a lot of people. The Greek life around campus is pretty fun. There was always events going on. Did anyone else notice how it always seemed like they were cutting the grass at AUM? No matter what someone was doing landscaping at the school like everyday. I hated my math class. It was extremely easy. I mean boring easy. I think I left that class early nearly everyday and I still made A's on all of my tests. Psychology, I got to admit, I did not think I would actually like it. Surprisingly, it was pretty interesting. Learning how the mind works and what can go wrong is fascinating to me. Art appreciation was great too. I love art. My brother is an art major so I am always around it. The class was fairly easy for me too. I liked being able to learn about all the different major artworks that have been created over the past centuries.

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