Sunday, December 6, 2009

Insane in the membrane

So we watched the movie on the criminally insane in psychology and I've got to say it was not what I expected. It was completely different then the things displayed in movies. You would expect to see everyone in straight-jackets or talking to themselves or something, but this was not the case. Most people appeared seemingly normal. They might talk a little funny and be socially awkward but for the most part, people were normal appearing. Mostly everyone shown on the documentary suffered from some type of schizophrenia. It was relatively creepy. So the people in the film basically lived in their own little community. They had like parties and gatherings and some of them even dated each other. I thought it was suppose to be punishment still. These individuals committed murder, arson, and robbery. However, according to the film up to eighty-eight percent of them will eventually be released. How is someone suppose to know whether or not they will commit the same crime again. When a sane person is released it's hard enough to determine if they will. How do you determine whether or not a criminally insane person will. However, I do think that those who are found criminally insane do deserve a second chance because they aren't not to blame for their actions.

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