Sunday, December 6, 2009

Street Art in Taipei

This is truly an amazing work of art. I am taken away by how realistic it looks. Its an artwork that was drawn on the sidewalk and it appears as though the ground has broken away and revealed this mysterious and wonderful land. There is a bottle of alcohol on the right side of the painting that appears to be a little out of place. But the way the bottle is depicted makes it seem as though the bottle is sticking out of the hole. This gives off the appearance that the bottle is larger than life. This leads me to believe that the artwork might of been done as some sort of advertisement. I love this image. It is like a portal into a parallel universe. Maybe that is the message the artist is trying to portray. Maybe the artist wants people to see that this particular brand of alcohol is out of this world.
The artist has taken advantage of several design principles. He has implemented diminishing size, which is when objects are scaled smaller the further away they get. He has also made things further away appear hazier and hazier the further the distant. The focal point of this artwork would have to be the bottle of alcohol because it is sticking out of the ground and even though it is not int the foreground of the painting, it is still the closest thing to the viewer. Other focal points would be the whirlpools. The artwork has to be asymmetrical because there is a larger than life bottle of brown alcohol on the right. This makes the right side of the painting much heavier.
Check it out here:

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