Sunday, December 6, 2009

My midlife crisis

I don't know about the rest of the male gender, but I am looking forward to my midlife crisis. Lets look at the midlife crisis situation. Individuals are realizing that they do not have much time left on Earth. In doing so they come to terms with their age. However they also realize that this doesn't mean they are dead yet and that they still have enough time to do things in life that had not taken the time to do. Men who go through their midlife crisis do things like go buy that fifty thousand dollar sports car that they didn't want to buy before because they had to worry about sending little Jimmy to college. Well little Jimmy is all grown up now and they can buy that sports car. And who cares about getting a ticket at this point in their life because they only have what about twenty or less more years to drive before they can't hardly see or grip the steering wheel. However at age forty and fifty, they still have the energy and the heart that allows them to get that new Mustang or Ferrari up to 120 on the interstate. Go for it.
Have you ever seen The Bucket List starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman? Great movie. I would like to live out the last couple years of their lives. However, I would start at the age of forty-five, give or take a few years. I would go sky diving, rock climbing, fly a plane, kayak down some class ten, or how ever high it goes, rapids. I don't wanna get to Heaven and be asked if I ever got to do all the things I wanted and have to reply NO. That would just be horrible.

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