Monday, December 7, 2009

The Swiss Army Knife

The Swiss Army Knife has been around for what seems like is forever. Fathers have passed the knife down to their sons and then them to their sons. The Swiss Army Knife is one thing left in this world that is still made to last and not made to work for a few years and then break so you'll buy another one. I, however, just lost all respect for the Swiss Army Knife. The Swiss Army Knife now comes complete with a USB flashdrive. Why would you ever need a flashdrive on a knife.
"Hey man do you have a flashdrive on you."
"Yeah let me just pull out my knife."
"Hold on there man, I know I borrow a lot of things from you, but I promise I'm gonna give it right back."
"No man it's on my knife."
What is the world coming to. I bet the knife isn't even made that good any more. Nothing is made as good as it use to be. Things from the eighties and nineties were made to last. These dina ays things are made out of plastic instead of metal because it's cheaper. It also does not last as long. Everything is also made in China instead of the United States which is not how it should be.

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