Monday, December 7, 2009

Old Dogs

I recently saw Old Dogs with my girlfriend. It was a pretty good movie. Of course anything with Robin Williams or John Travolta in it is going to be amazing. However, when John Travolta did Wild Hogs, that was kind of sad. It was truly a low point in his career. Both of these actors have had outstanding careers. I remember watching Robin Williams when I was younger in Flubber for the first time and I thought it was hilarious. Robin Williams brings comedy to the table with him yet he can still do serious; this is what made him such a good pick for this role. Looking a John Travolta, he is also a great choice for this movie. He plays the sort of playboy that never grew up. Travolta has always played roles in which he is a playboy but this movies allows him to come to terms with the fact that he is getting old. The two made a good team. It was odd though. Travolta was actually the one providing the comic relief in this film. Robin Williams has always provided the comic relief in his films because well he's Robin Williams. He was a part of SNL. Of course he is suppose to be funny. The film is kind of a lash out a men saying they can't raise kids without a woman there to supervise them. I take offense to that. Men can raise kids just as good as women. Just because we aren't born with the natural instincts of a nurturing mother doesn't mean we can't still raise children. But in the end the guys figure it out and like all Disney movies there is a happily ever after ending.

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