Monday, December 7, 2009


This was a sad attempt to combine all the horror film classics into one. The famous books and films of Dracula and Frankenstein are horribly represented in this movie. Don't misinterpret what I am saying however. The movie was somewhat funny. I did have a problem with the character who is suppose to represent Dracula. The lead vampire in this movie sucked. The lead vampire is suppose to represent like sexual desire. He is suppose to be smooth and a ladies' man. This vampire was more like a nerd. Moving on to the vampire's beauties (I guess that is what you call them or minions). They are suppose to represent sex and therefore they are suppose to be beyond beautiful. The women they choose for the minions were not attractive at all. The women were incredibly thin to the point where their rib bones were poking out more than their stomachs. They were also flat chested. They did not represent sexual desire at all. The Frankenstein aspect of the movie was a little better. Instead of creating a man, however, the perfect woman was created. Too bad once the Frankenwoman was created, she didn't look very beautiful. Maybe that is just my opinion but I wouldn't want to date her. Lastly, how does a head stay alive without a body? I know it's just a movie but that made me mad. Why wouldn't the bodiless head want to get her body back? Overall the movie had a lot of flaws in the plot.

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