Sunday, December 6, 2009

A thing that should not have been invented

The Snuggie ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
The Snuggie should have never been invented. All the Snuggie is, is a glorified bath robe. The Snuggie makes people look as though they were in a cult. The Snuggie is not a fashion statement in the least bit. Instead of wasting money on an oversize bathrobe, I recommend just buying a throw blanket. No one will think twice about you wearing a throw blanket, but a Snuggie labels you as the person who stays up at night watching the infomercials ordering anything they see. Also the Snuggie does not even come in any good colors. If I'm not mistaking the Snuggie doesn't even come in hot pink which is the color most girls would want. In the end I think the Snuggie should have never been invented.

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